Getting Your Vehicle Looking Good Inside and Out

April is National Car Care Month and after a hard winter now is the time to get your vehicle inspected on the inside and looking good on the outside. Basic car care is the key to a longer lasting and more dependable vehicle.

According to Rich White, executive director, Car Care Council, “Whether you visit a professional service technician or do it yourself, a thorough vehicle inspection this spring can help keep your car safe and dependable and help you avoid much higher costs down the road in the form of more extensive repairs or lost resale value.”

Tips On Taking Care of Your Vehicle On the Inside ….

•    Oil change every 3000-4000 miles
•    Check antifreeze/coolant levels, brake fluid, steering fluid, and transmission fluid
•    Inspect for any leaks or worn radiator hoses and other tubes
•    Look for worn or exposed wires, and loose or warped belts
•    Inspect engine and cabin air filters
•    Have your battery checked, if your car does not start easily

Tips On Taking Care of Your Vehicle on the Outside ….
•    Replace windshield wipers regularly
•    Inspect and replace as needed headlights, turn signals and brake lamps
•    Have your brakes inspected regularly, or if you hear any high-pitched squeaking noises
•    Check your tires to make sure they are wearing evenly, are properly inflated, and have adequate tread
•    Make sure your spare tire is inflated properly and ready in an emergency

It All Makes Perfect Sense and Cents

“Following a routine maintenance program makes financial sense, extending useful vehicle life and helping avoid costly repairs down the road,” notes Rich White, executive director, Car Care Council.

Also by keeping your engine running right you benefit from better fuel economy, better overall performance and lower emissions.

Basic car care does not require any sophisticated understanding of vehicles or their systems.  A few simple steps, some regular checks, and addressing issues promptly can greatly extend the life of your vehicle, making it safer and more dependable for you and your family.

Getting Your Vehicle Looking Good Inside and Out Offer

Take advantage of our offers to get your vehicle running smoothly and thoroughly cleaned with these offers from Beck’s Auto Center and Premier Auto Detailing.

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