We Have You Covered
Need A Ride?
We all know what it’s like to be without a vehicle—and if you need an extensive auto repair, you may already be feeling this strain. That’s why Beck’s offers you multiple services to help you get around while your car is being serviced. Whether it’s an Uber reimbursement, or a loaner vehicle to help get you and the kids where you need to go, we’re here to make sure that car repairs don’t slow you down.

Uber Reimbursement
If your vehicle will be at the shop for more than 2 BILLABLE hours of work, we will reimburse you for an Uber ride up to $20 per repair order. Our staff will let you know if you qualify for this service after the initial inspection. We will not reimburse for oil changes, tire repairs, alignments etc. unless those services are performed along with other services that total 2 billable hours. If you have any questions, please call or TEXT us at 765-538-7717.

Loaner Vehicles
Some services are quick enough for you to hang around and wait for it to be completed. But if you have an extensive repair, it may take the majority of a day or even a couple days to get it done. If you don't have another form of transportation, you'll be stuck taking a cab or coordinating with family members. This is why we offer free loaner vehicles for people with a valid driver’s license and proof of insurance. We only ask that you top off the fuel before bringing it back.